Pathways Rehabilitation & Support Services Ltd

Providing flexible community based rehabilitation & support programs in the Barwon region for those experiencing problems as a result of a mental illness.

We provide a whole range of programs, including supported housing, psychology services and assistance from social groups to outreach support and employment through our business enterprises, Clearwater Business Services and MadCap Cafe Geelong. We also provide a referral service to other programs and services that may better suit your needs.

Pathways Rehabilitation and Support Services Ltd began in 1986 as Barwon Psychiatric Resources Council Inc. (BPRC).

We began as a small community group, concerned about the needs of individuals suffering severe and long-term disabilities as a result of a mental illness. Our early programs were focused around a ‘club house’ model with a modest outreach service to individuals and their carers.

Prior to our 2000 Annual General Meeting the membership unanimously voted for a change to our organisational title from Barwon Psychiatric Resources Council Inc. to Pathways Rehabilitation and Support Services Inc. The impetus for this "turning point" was in essence twofold (1) towards the destigmatisation of mental health problems and (2) the normalising of mental health care within the broader health arena. The transition was seamless and the foundations built upon by the BPRC have continued with the name "Pathways" now synonymous with the delivery of non-clinical mental health services in the Barwon-Colac/Otway region.

Continued growth of the organisation necessitated a change in company structure from an incorporated association to a company limited by guarantee. As of 18 March 2009 Pathways Rehabilitation and Support Services Ltd was officially registered.

Over the past 27 years Pathways has developed a diverse range of services, programs and partnerships with a number of specialist community based health providers. Whilst we are proud of the continued growth of the organisation we have made a commitment along the way to taking care of our foundations, ensuring we take care of our core business on the one hand whilst on the other remaining aware of change and opportunity. We feel we have been moving from a "program focused" model to a more collaborative, comprehensive view of health care. This has required playing a significant role in partnerships enabling a better provision of services to the disability and mental health sectors.

Non-profit organization